

Providing analysis and insights that support investment and policy decisions regarding infrastructure programs and projects

How we help our clients

As infrastructure experts, our team provides decision makers with a range of structured approaches to assist in the development and approval of infrastructure projects, including undertaking project identification, prioritisation, evaluation at the commencement of the planning and funding process, as well as project assurance throughout the project lifecycle. 

  • Assess infrastructure investments – We use cost benefit analysis, cost effectiveness analysis, and modelling to assess financial impacts, affordability, and the social, economic, and financial impacts of transport, health, water and other infrastructure projects.
  • Prioritise infrastructure projects – Our team assists decision makers to prioritise multiple projects on a consistent basis using economic, financial and non-financial parameters to identify preferred projects that provide the greatest impact within organisational budget constraints.
  • Quantify risk in infrastructure project evaluation – Using Monte Carlo Simulation analysis and other risk modelling techniques to incorporate into the financial analysis of projects, we assist decision makers to quantify and monetise the risk profile of infrastructure projects. 
  • Provide actionable advice for project delivery – Asset owners work with our infrastructure experts to identify issues early to improve and strengthen outcomes, ensuring projects are ready to progress through the use of gateway, peer, governance, and risk reviews. 
  • Conduct post project reviews – Undertake a post project review (PPR) to identify success factors, areas for development, and how future projects can benefit from these insights.

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