Christine Atkins - NineSquared

Christine Atkins

Christine is a Director in the Sydney office and brings over 20 years’ experience in transport and infrastructure development and assessment to the firm. Her skills span the project life cycle, from strategy and policy analysis through business case development to procurement and contractual negotiation. Her recent experience includes advising NSW Government on several high profile transport and place-making projects.

Christine has held key advisory roles in a number of organisations including Deloitte and Saha International and has managed the transport function of an independent peak body. She has been involved in projects in a number of jurisdictions, including Australia, the UK, South Africa, Italy and New Zealand. She has a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment.

Selected project experience:

  • Business case development on Circular Quay Renewal and Bays West Urban Renewal
  • Facilitated team and stakeholder communication outcomes on Future Transport 2056 and the Freight and Ports Plan as key inputs into government strategy and policy development
  • Procurement and tender submission advice for a private sector bus operator
  • Development of key policy papers for public release on subjects such as performance measurement, autonomous vehicles, road pricing and public transport franchising
  • Development of a strategy for upgrades and improvements for future investment into the NSW Country Rail network
  • Management of data collection and operational due diligence for franchising of Sydney Ferries
  • Procurement, tender evaluation and program management office services for a key emergency services tender for a government health department
  • Contractual review and funding model development for rural and regional bus services