
Public Sector

Helping public sector policy makers and leaders make socially responsible and economically sound policy and strategy decisions.

How we help our clients

Charged with great responsibility to formulate and implement policy decisions involving major investments of public resources, policy leaders and decision makers can draw on the sector and industry expertise of the NineSquared team.

  • Assess and prioritise investments and policies – We use cost benefit analysis and other evaluation frameworks, such as input output modelling, to assess the social, economic, and financial impacts of projects and policies in a rigorous, defendable and transparent way.
  • Develop and evaluate public policy – We work with policy teams to develop, review, and evaluate public policy and provide practical advice, taking into account the opportunities and constraints of the public sector environment.
  • Inform service delivery outcomes with insights from economics – Our public policy team applies insights from regulatory, public, and behavioural economics into program and policy design to achieve better outcomes.
  • Inform decisions with data – By combining private and publicly available data, we develop an evidence base and build the case for change using advanced data analytics and econometrics to develop insights that informs sound decisions.
  • Improve and strengthen project outcomes – Policy makers and leaders can access practical, actionable, and early advice to improve outcomes through independent structured program and project reviews.

Connect with our Public Sector team

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