Business Case Development

Business Case Development

Incorporating rigorous economic, social, financial and risk analysis into business cases ensuring decision makers have the evidence they need to make informed decisions.

What we do

We understand the challenges and stages involved in developing a business case, from initial problem definition through to a final detailed business case. Focusing on establishing an accurate understanding of the challenge at hand, our team specialises in the development of financial, commercial and economic components of business cases, providing rigorous analysis of the financial and economic impacts of the options under consideration. 

Using rigorous and proven frameworks to analyse financial and economic outcomes, we assist clients to make sound commercial decisions in the following ways:

  • Assess and prioritise investments – Using discounted cash flow modelling, we assess the financial costs and revenues of projects to provide independent analysis and insights that underpin defensible decisions. 
  • Quantify and model project risk – With simulation based risk modelling that allows for the quantification of financial and other risk, we provide understanding of results that inform decisions.
  • Affordability analysis – We help our clients to understand and evaluate affordability of projects by assessing potential funding sources and financing arrangements to achieve project outcomes.  
  • Cost benefit analysis – By bringing rigorous economic, social, financial, and risk analysis to business case development we help decision makers understand the full impact of a project, policy or investment. 

A well-developed business case provides high quality analysis, including relevant performance measures. With a view to improving understanding and achieving project objectives, our team provides rigorous analysis tailored to specific requirements or guidelines and high quality and detailed documentation that can be seamlessly incorporated into the broader business case development process. Our experience extends to transport, health, water, technology and general infrastructure for governments across Australia, as well private investment decisions in property, mining, logistics and commercial transactions.

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