National Transport Commission
Rolling Stock Operators (RSOs) using different rail networks across Australia currently experience major challenges in securing approval from Rail Infrastructure Managers (RIMs) to operate new and modified rolling stock on their networks. Each RIM has different application and approval processes for RSOs to comply with before they can run rolling stock across the country. The multiplicity of approval processes increases costs for RSOs and has been identified by industry as a major deterrent to investment and innovation, and a barrier to competition with road freight. Streamlining and simplifying processes nationally will support rail innovation and investment.
NineSquared was engaged by the NTC to develop a preliminary business case to explore options for reform to rolling stock approval processes across Australia.
The assessment included stakeholder engagement with rail freight operators, RIMs and government agencies, development of an options analysis paper, development of a Preliminary Business Case and an economic cost-benefit analysis.
The project involved discussions with rail freight operators to help estimate the problem associated with the current approval processes, and to determine the potential impact of changes to that process. The work also involved developing an implementation plan, focusing on priority networks and ‘quick wins’.
NineSquared was subsequently engaged to undertake more detailed consultation with stakeholders on reform options and scope a national pilot. This included supporting the NTC’s to provide advice to senior officials and Transport Ministers. We received positive feedback from the NTC and stakeholders on the structured, customer-centric approach that we took to define and assess the cost of the problems and options for reform. The project provides an example of our ability to co-develop solutions to problems that impact on rail freight customers and their investment in better equipment. The work identified opportunities for RIMs to better align safety assurance processes with those of other RIMs in the interests of reducing costs and improving customer experience. Following the completion of our work, Transport ministers approved for the NTC to implement a series rolling stock approval reform projects to provide benefits to the rail industry.