Intelligent thinking for the design of commercial arrangements
Commercial arrangements between entities often involve complex considerations with significant financial implications. Robust commercial advice based on detailed economic and financial analysis and research provides decision makers with the information and insights needed to manage risk effectively and achieve strategic objectives associated with these commercial arrangements. Data driven robust commercial advice can support efficient deployment of capital, guide regulatory compliance, support effective stakeholder engagement, and reduce risk.
We design commercial arrangements that meet organisational objectives and advise on the potential financial implications and risks. Our experience advising on commercial arrangements includes specific expertise in regulated access agreements, design of long term services and asset contracting arrangements and undertaking economic and financial analysis and research in relation to commercial disputes.
NineSquared also has substantial experience in undertaking reviews of commercial arrangements, including public private partnerships between government agencies and the private sector. Specific assignments our team has delivered include:
Combining our commercial experience with economic expertise and financial modelling capabilities, our work in design and review of commercial arrangements helps decision makers with pricing and indexation insights, performance regime design in contracts, risk allocation, asset transfer arrangements and a range of other matters.
A non-technical guide to cost-benefit analysis for decision makers Decision-making is an important part of our everyday lives. Some...
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