Building Queensland
In April 2016, the Queensland Government established the Public Safety Regional Radio Communications (PSRRC) project. The objective of this project was to develop a detailed business case for a proposed investment in a new digital communications system in Queensland (outside South East Queensland) for use by the State’s public safety Agencies. These agencies include the Queensland Police Service, Queensland Ambulance Service and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services. The digital technology provides the Agencies with a number of key service improvements, such as encryption of radio signal, improved coverage and stronger signals, interoperability between the Agencies and inter-operability within the Agencies through the use of common equipment and bandwidths, GPS location of Officers and Vehicles and duress alarms with push to talk capability.
NineSquared was engaged to conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis of expanding the digital radio program to regional Queensland. This involved analysing multiple options which provided different regions of coverage. Estimates of project benefits included the impact on the communication centre, impact of the duress alarms, operational efficiency benefits, potential savings in cost, lost radio cost reduction and the impact on indirect impacts such as natural disasters and terrorism.