Evelyn Bratchford - NineSquared

Evelyn Bratchford

Evelyn is a Manager at NineSquared with demonstrated experience in transport, freight and logistics, and infrastructure policy and planning, stakeholder engagement, and commercial advice and strategy. Evelyn holds a Bachelor of Political, Economic and Social Sciences (Political Economy and Anthropology) from the University of Sydney and is a member of the Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF). She has worked on several plans and submissions for Government departments including for Transport for NSW (TfNSW), the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, and the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR).

Evelyn’s recent experience includes work for the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA) to undertake the 2021 Statutory Review of the National Transport Commission. Further, she played a highly influential role in developing a National Rail Interoperability Decision-making Framework for the National Transport Commission.

Selected project experience

  • Managed work to conduct a study of freight in Western Sydney for TfNSW.
  • Assisted in the development of a strategic business case to demonstrate a robust case for investment in a new form of water management across Mamre Road and Aerotropolis initial precincts in Western Sydney.
  • Undertook an independent economic review of a capacity expansion project for a major Australian port operator.
  • Was engaged by the Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB) to develop a policy options paper to support consideration of options for implementing a revised organisational funding model.
  • Assisted in the assessment of the costs and benefits of the National Regulatory Model applied by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.
  • Prepared a Regulatory Impact Statement for policy mandating in-cab video and audio recording devices for the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator.
  • Collaborated with PwC to undertake a detailed freight data framework to improve the sourcing, analysing and sharing of freight data within Freight Victoria.
  • Assisted Campbelltown City Council with analysis of alignment options for the North South Rail Project.
  • Prepared a submission on behalf of Campbelltown City Council to advise how the Government should best deliver a fast rail network to improve connectivity across the State of NSW.
  • Provided drafting and technical support to Infrastructure Australia on the freight and transport congestion chapters of the 2019 Australian Infrastructure Audit.
Recent Engagements from Evelyn Bratchford