


Sydney, NSW


Transport for NSW


Transport for NSW (TfNSW) conducts a range of Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) regulatory services under legal delegation from the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR). These include on-road heavy vehicle intercepts and compliance checks, intelligence gathering, investigations, prosecutions and maintenance of the heavy vehicle camera monitoring network.

Consideration is currently being given to transitioning HVNL regulatory services from Transport for NSW to delivery by the NHVR. The transition of regulatory services in NSW to a model of direct delivery by the NHVR will require a range of issues to be resolved including separating and funding heavy vehicle national law (HVNL) and non-HVNL activities delivered by Transport for NSW, managing workforce issues and ensuring continuity of services.

TfNSW engaged KPMG to assess the value of regulatory services undertaken to support HVNL outcomes, with a focus on identifying and measuring the safety and compliance benefits

Our role

NineSquared was engaged by the KPMG team to provide subject matter expertise on heavy vehicle regulation, lead the stakeholder consultation and help design a benefits realisation framework to demonstrate links between regulatory activities and road safety outcomes and HVNL compliance in industry.

Results and relevance

Our work with KPMG helped TfNSW to better understand the value of its heavy vehicle regulatory programs and provided a framework to enable program outcomes to be better understood over time.

For further information

For more information contact one of our experts below

Phil Bullock

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