


Adelaide, SA


South Australian Government

The South Australian Government proposed to contract out the operation of commuter train services in Adelaide to the private sector. As part of the process, they engaged NineSquared to undertake a review of the current state of the end to end revenue protection task on the Adelaide Train Network and to develop revenue protection strategies in the context of a proposed future transition of the train service from being a government owned entity to one that was contracted out to a private sector operator.  

Our strategic review utilised a range of public and private datasets as well as our expertise in relation to public transport fares and payment systems to provide an evidence base to inform the conclusions and recommendations of the report.  Our report considered the roles and responsibilities of the revenue protection officers and prosecutions areas of the Department as well as the processes and procedures that underpinned the revenue protection task. It also considered how the geography of the network and the ticketing technology used contributed to revenue protection outcomes and how these elements might be improved as future investment decisions were made and technology evolved.  

The review operated within very strict time constraints due to the nature of the project. We undertook the review and delivered the strategy and supporting documentation within two weeks of commencing the review.